Saturday, April 7, 2012

Problem Solving

Friday my mum took me shopping down the street while Wash was napping. Got some nice ingredients, and then poured myself into my kitchen.
I "hosted" a Sedar last night for the first time. I've watched my family and cousins host them for more than 2 decades, but with Wash being so physically weak and tired right now, I knew there was no realistic way he could last through any standard Haggadah. I found a nice one we could pace through with lots of breaks for him too.
I also pulled together a 5 course vegetarian meal in about 2 hours.
We had salad with fresh peas and tomatoes, matzoh ball soup with carrots, deviled garlic eggs, Rosemary (from my garden) and mustard potatoes, and for dessert Apple slices with cherries cooked in a honey and brown sugar sauce (lighter than a caramel).

Wash ate it all, even tried the eggs, which he normally hates. We had a good friend of Wash's (he was the Best Man at our wedding!) come by for a few hours while I cooked, so they had a good time and I got another taste tester.

We finished our service around 11pm ish, but we took our time and I made sure to have Wash rest.

I'm still a bit tired today, but very thankful I made myself wash all the dishes last night. I only have to clean out the Elijah's cup today.

I need to write more today.

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